[Association of Private Kidney Care Providers of Malaysia ]
Home » 2015 » February » 14 » HD SERVICE ANNUAL SURVEY 2014
9:08 AM

MESSAGE from the President

APKCPM is asking for your time to help us better understand the needs, expectations and perspectives of the private dialysis industry in Malaysia. APKCPM is requesting member companies to participate in the HD Service Annual Survey. 
Data compiled from the survey are used to measure the current cost of providing dialysis services and to measure the current stock of dialysis assets and workforce to ensure they are adequate to meet the industry’s ongoing and future needs. The survey results will also be used to evaluate how APKCPM can better serve members and other stakeholders. 

We require you to respond to the survey online http://goo.gl/4RxDz2 or download the Survey form HERE. Please respond to the survey by 10 March 2015. Your timely response will help minimize costly follow-up efforts as well as to ensure the results on the cost of dialysis services will be available in time for the planned dialogue with payers (JPA, SOCSO, MOH and others) scheduled on 16 May 2015.

We realize that participating in this survey is a burden for your company. However, we have taken steps to minimize this burden. For example, we have changed the survey materials to incorporate suggestions by the EXCO and members, selected the fewest possible number of questions to pose, limited our requests to data normally found in business records, and we will accept estimates when book figures are not available. 

We also realize some of the questions, especially those on operating expenses, may be deemed “commercially sensitive”.  APKCPM’s EXCO has discussed this and it is our considered opinion that the survey as designed is not unduly intrusive nor pose any significant commercial risk:    

  1. The survey questions are taken from standard government economic survey on services, they are not APKCPM’s creation. Many companies routinely report such data.
  2. We are NOT asking members to report data on revenue/profit, we understand that is sensitive. 
  3. We are merely asking for data on operating expenses. Even that, data need only be reported in very broad groups (total personnel cost, total purchased supplies & services costs etc).  Expenditure details on specific items such as dialyzer, epo etc are NOT required. 
  4. We are NOT asking about capital expenditures either, such HD machine etc, just its amortization. 

APKCPM, its staff and its third party vendor will protect the confidentiality of data as follows 

  1. Company’s data obtained through this survey by APKCPM is confidential and disclosure to third parties is prohibited 
  2. The APKCPM will institute stringent information security policies and procedures, which will be in accord with standard research practice, and in compliance with applicable guidelines. 
  3. Nobody in APKCPM including me will have access to the raw data collected by the survey. Third party will be engaged to manage the data and conduct the analysis. 
  4. Third party engaged to process the data on behalf of APKCPM will sign a contract with APKCPM to ensure compliance with data confidentiality requirements stated herein.
  5. The results of the survey will only be reported in aggregate such that it will not be possible to identify individual company

We hope that you will take the time to participate in this important survey. As a thank you for your time, your participation will be acknowledged in the report and APKCPM’s communications. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact me at limteckonn@gmail.com . 

Lim Teck Onn
President APKCPM

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